ProgramWhy Practice Meditation? Mindfulness and Vipassanā (on-site Frankfurt)

Buddhist meditation is one of the key factors in Buddhism relevant to one’s own development of wisdom.  Generosity (dāna), purity (sīla) and cultivation of mind or meditation (bhāvanā) are three important steps to be practiced in Buddhist spiritual life.  One who follows the path of Buddhist meditation will enjoy a serene, peaceful and calm life by developing one’s own inner peace, being eventually capable of expanding outer peace or peace in the world. Besides that, Buddhist meditation helps maintain excellent mental and physical health. In the Visuddhimagga and many other Buddhist texts very clear road maps are provided to cultivate Mindfulness or Vipassanā meditation that surely change one’s own destiny in life.

The Vipassanā meditation is a key method of Buddhist meditation. There are many other methods of meditation taught in different schools of Buddhism, including Samatha tradition and Zen teachings of Japanese Buddhism. It is extremely important to learn Buddhist methods taught in Buddhist texts in order to develop and maintain the well-being of mind and body. The practice of Vipassanā or Mindfulness meditation certainly will change one’s own destiny and daily attitudes in a positive manner by bringing harmony, serenity, and inner-peace in due course time.

The class will take place:
Every Sunday at 2.00 - 3.00 p.m. (European time) at the Frankfurt Buddhist Academy in Frankfurt.

Note: The classes began November 6, 2022 and will continue until July 17, 2023.

Lead by Ven. Prof. Bhikkhu Pāsādika (Germany)

Ven. Prof. Bhikkhu Pāsādika is an emeritus Professor of Phillips University in Marburg, Germany. He is one of the senior Western Buddhist monks who live in Europe. He had studied at Nava Nalandā University (one of the prestigious Buddhist Institutes in India) and at Panjabi University Patiala in India. He has been specializing in Theravāda , Mahāyāna and also Tibetan Buddhism. He is
knowledgeable in Pāli, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Classical Chinese language. He has published many research papers and some books on Buddhism. In addition to that he learnt Vipassanā or Mindfulness meditation under great masters in Thailand, Myanmar and Japan.
