
About usFBAC is conceived based on a Chinese Buddhist Center in Frankfurt. As the centre has been vacant for more than two years, without any Buddhist monks and nuns to provide regular Buddhist teaching or conduct spiritual practices so that there was no way to be able to follow the noble path of the Buddha Sakyamuni.

Being fully aware of the necessity to continue Buddhist activities at the centre in Frankfurt, we as senior members of the International Buddhist Institute in Paris, have decided to accept the responsibility of the Buddhist centre in order to disseminate the noble teachings of the Buddha.

Our visions are

Promote peace and harmony through Buddhist teachings

To offer all people the opportunity to learn and practice Buddhism according to the teachings of the Buddha.

Advance Buddhist scientific research and collaborate with different Buddhist institutions, organizations and universities in Germany as well as in other European countries

To promote Buddhist ethical and moral values and work for the wellbeing of humanity

Personal message from the president

It gives me a great pleasure and privilege to inform to international Buddhist community in worldwide, including devotees, students and sympathetic people to Buddhism, that we have established a Buddhist learning centre in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in 2021.
We are delighted to welcome you all without any cultural and religious differences to learn and practice the philosophy of the Buddha, which has been tremendously help to millions and millions of people during the last twenty-five centuries to bring peace, happiness and human dignity.
The Buddhist teachings of freedom of thought, critical and analytical understanding of its doctrine, scientific acceptance of its teachings, respect and mutual collaboration with other spiritual and religious traditions, the Buddhism embraced by several hundreds and thousands of people in European soil including Germany. In addition to that, the United Nations and its agencies have recognized that the Buddhism could play an important role to establish harmonious and peaceful society through its enlightened spiritual guidance to the global community. Newly established our Academy, will provide you ancient traditional teaching of Buddhism to all, including beginners and encourage Buddhist research in higher education at our classroom as well as online teaching programmes.
We sincerely hope that the Frankfurt Buddhist Academy will change your life and realize your dreams, for a greater success in becoming successful global citizens for the service of humanity.
Ven. Dhammaratana Tampalawela

Our team

Ven. Thich Thanh NghiemMember, Spiritual and Ritual Practices

Ven. Thich Tri BaoMember, Spiritual and Ritual Practices

Ven. Shi Xing YuanDirector, Spiritual and Ritual Practices and Chinese Coordinator

Ven. Bhikkhu PasadikaDirector, Education Programme and teacher of Vipassana

Ven. Shi YanlinDirector, Chinese Healing Therapy Programme for Good Health

Ven. T. DhammaratanaPresident, Board of Management and Administration

Frau Ding NanVice President

Administrative members

No members found

Our Monastic Advisors

Our monastic advisors are composed of senior Buddhist monks, university scholars and professors from all over the world. They join us with their valuable monastic and academic force and willingness as our visiting professors of the Academy.

Ven. Medagama Dhammananda Secretary General, Supreme Sangha Council of Asgiriya Mahaviharaya, Kandy, Sri Lanka

Ven. Prof. Deegalle MahindaProfessor, Bath Spa University, United Kingdom

Ven. Prof. AnalayoProfessor, Hamburg University, Germany

Ven. Prof. DhammadinnaProfessor, Dharmadrum Buddhist Academy, Italy

Ven. Prof. SounProfessor, Busan University, South Korea

Ven. G. GunaratanaPresident, Los Angeles Buddhist Union, USA

Ven. Prof. BrahmapunditRector, Mahachulalangkorn Rajavidyalaya University, Thailand

Ven. Dr. SomphongAssociate Professor, International Buddhist Studies College, Thailand

Ven. Prof. K. DhammasamiAbbot, Oxford Buddhist Vihara, United Kingdom

Ven. K. DhammaratanaAbbot, Stockholm Buddhist Vihara, Sweden

Ven. Prof. Wei ShanProfessor, Renmin University, China

Ven. Wedaruwe Upali Anunayake TheraDeputy Supreme Patriarch, Asgiri Mahaviharaya, Kandy, Sri Lanka

Ven. Pelpola VipassiChief Sangha Nayaka in Japan